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simple-guide to start with `ts-endpoint-browser`

Once you have defined your endpoints with ts-endpoint, you may want to use those definitions for something useful, that's where ts-endpoint-browser comes into play.

If you want to derive an HTTP client with zero effort, you can use the utility GetFetchHTTPClient and pass your endpoints to it:

(N.B.: GetFetchHTTPClient is quite opinionated on how it will handle errors, if you need more control you can use the lower-level API GetHTTPClient)

import { getCrayons, createUser } from "./endpoints"
import { GetFetchHTTPClient } from 'ts-endpoint-browser/lib/fetch';

const fetchClient = GetFetchHTTPClient(
{ protocol: 'http', host: 'google' },
{ getCrayons, createUser },
{ defaultHeaders: { 'Content-type': 'application/json' } }

And use it in your browser:

const myCrayons: TaskEither<IOError, { crayons: string[] }> = fetchClient.getCrayons({
Params: { id: 'id' },
Query: { color: 'brown' },
/** performs:
* fetch(
* 'http://test:2020/users/id/crayons?color=brown',
* { headers: { 'Content-type':'application/json' }, method: 'GET'}
* )

const createdUserId: TaskEither<IOError, { id: string }> = fetchClient.createUser({
Body: {
name: 'John',
surname: 'Doe',
age: 24,
/** performs:
* fetch(
* 'http://test/users',
* {
* headers: { 'Content-type':'application/json' },
* method: 'POST,
* body: { name: "John", surname: "Doe", age: 24 }
* }
* )


GetFetchHTTPClient formats errors in its own opinionated way, returning:

  • KnownError when the response status coincide with one of those defined in the Endpoint definition (in this case the payload is validated against the corresponding Error Codec).
  • NetworkError if the request fails without info about the failure
  • ClientError if the response status is >= 400 and <= 451),
  • DecodingError if the body of the response is different from the specification in the Endpoint definition, or a
  • ServerError (in all other cases).

The only difference between each error is the kind and the fact that if the error kind is DecodingError it will also expose an array of errors in its details object.